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Defeated Todev lashes out at judges: they should go back to first class and learn how to count, the decision is incomprehensible

The new heavyweight champion is Hatef Moeil, who defeated Lazar Todev on points shortly after midnight. However, the Bulgarian was not happy with the result of the judges scoring and made it clear at the press conference.



The new heavyweight champion is Hatef Moeil, who defeated Lazar Todev on points shortly after midnight. But the Bulgarian was not happy with the result of the scoring by the judges and made it clear at the press conference.

Hatef Moeil and Lazar Todev fought for the heavyweight champion belt of the Oktagon MMA organization. The former was the favorite, but the first round didn’t show us much. Both were cautious and didn’t want to rush anything.

The second round was more active, but again very evenly matched. We watched a stand-up battle and although some of the punches were hard, they didn’t go exactly where they needed to. In the third round, Moeil tried to pick up the pace and hit Todev several times.

He didn’t just fight back either though, he was able to catch Hatef off guard for a while with one low kick. The Bulgarian must have realised he was not leading on points and needed to work harder in the fourth round. But he was still not active and rather waited for Moeil to make a mistake.

He did so at the end of the penultimate round, and with a kick to the leg he made Moeil nervous again. He didn’t look so good on the feet and this was Todev’s chance to reverse the result. Moeil didn’t give up though and he hit Todev several times.

He survived his attack, but his own eye was swollen enough afterwards to worry about the doctor’s termination. The referee didn’t want to interfere in their fight and let the fight go to a points decision.

There was a lot of tension, but in the end Moeil was the winner and the new heavyweight champion 3: 0 on points. But Todev disagreed with the result Damage was clearly on his side and many of the challengers had a similar opinion.

Todev complained at the press conference

“I promised to put on a great fight, I did and I will continue to do so, but I’m very disappointed, I think the judges didn’t decide the way they should have, I would like to criticize them, it’s sad.

The Oktagon got the first place in Europe, they offered me the opportunity to fight and be at such a big event… It’s a shame I didn’t win, but I don’t think judges should score points like that.

They should go back to first class and learn how to count how much is 1+1 and start from zero, this decision is incomprehensible,” he said at the press conference.

Source: Oktagon MMA
