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Kincl has offered himself to Attila as a replacement for Vemola! What should I do, 84 or 77? slovak fighter took the situation with humor

It was originally meant as a joke. Before the fight with Karlos Vemola, Patrik Kincl mentioned a possible fight with Attila Vegh and it was on. After the fight he had him brought into the cage, then the possible fight was discussed at the press conference and in the end it looks like an interesting fight is shaping up.



It was originally meant as a joke. Before the fight with Karlos Vemola, Patrik Kincl mentioned a possible fight with Attila Vegh and it was on. After the fight he had him brought into the cage, then the possible fight was discussed at the press conference and in the end it looks like an interesting fight is shaping up.

The Octagon 43 tournament is over and those who missed it missed out on a lot. Patrik Kincl was able to knock out Karlos Vemola on points to retain his middleweight championship belt.

Vemola did not take the defeat well and left the cage in a flash. Kincl was beaming and during the post-fight interview he again brought up a possible fight with Attila Vegh, which originally started as a joke.

“I saw Attila here, you must have missed the December fight it seems… You want me?” he said with a laugh in the cage. Attila didn’t hesitate and came to Kinclo in the cage.

“I’m surprised by what Patrik says. What should I do, 84 or 77,” Végh continued in a humorous way. Novotny then added that Kincl was talking about the title fight in 93.

“I’ll think about it. I’ve had Karlitos in my head the whole time. I was the only one who beat him. We’ll see what the Octagon and the people have to say. Would you like to see it?” he asked the audience, which roared loudly.

It all continued at the press conference, where, understandably, there was a question on the subject. “Yeah, we’d take it to Karl, that’s for sure. Right Ondra?(laughs),” said Kincl with humour.

The promoter himself later commented on the fight, and he is definitely not against it. “If Attila wants to fight Patrik and he wants to fight him, we can talk about it,” said Novotny.

In case Vémola takes a longer break after his defeat, this fight would be the perfect replacement.

Source: Octagon MMA
