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Xavier explained why he turned down Vemola in the summer. Now Langer will challenge him. How does he see his title chances and what does he plan for 2023?

Rafael Xavier is one of the top welterweights in the Octagon. In the summer he could have fought for the title with Karlos Vemola, in December he dropped out of the fight during his trip to Prague and now he has accepted the offer to fight in Munich. In an exclusive interview with Ruik, he commented on these very topics.



Rafael Xavier is one of the top welterweights in the Octagon. In the summer he could have fought for the title with Karlos Vemola, in December he dropped out of the fight during his trip to Prague and now he has accepted the offer to fight in Munich. In an exclusive interview with Ruik, he commented on these very topics.

Xavier to face Langer in Munich

Already on February 11, Oktagon will make its first appearance in Munich. The tournament on German soil had only one Czechoslovakian fight on the schedule, when Miloš Petrášek and Pavol Langer were scheduled to face each other. However, the former cannot take part due to injury.

However, a replacement was found quickly and more than worthy. The popular Czech will be replaced by the Brazilian fighter Rafael Xavier, a member of the top of the Octagon’s heavyweight division.

Xavier will be introduced to Oktagon fans after almost a year. However, he was supposed to fight in December, when he was supposed to measure his strength with Lee Chadwick in the agreed weight of up to 91.5 kilograms. But Chadwick was injured.

“It was difficult at the moment when I was on my way to Prague that the fight was cancelled. But I was given the opportunity to be a replacement in case Skvor or Montagnac, who were fighting together, didn’t make weight. So I held the weight, but unfortunately I didn’t make the fight. Ondrej Novotny promised me a fight at the next tournament, I immediately agreed,” Xavier told Ruik.

The Brazilian feels he is in very good shape. And what has he been doing all year if he hasn’t wrestled? “I was taking care of my daughter and my wife. Plus, my son was born in October, so I used the time to support my family. They take care of me 365 days a year, so it was time to give back. I feel good and I’m ready for Munich,” he said.

Langer is definitely not one of the biggest stars in the Octagon, so many people underestimate him. Not Xavier: ” All opponents in the Octagon must be respected. They are all good fighters. I expect him to be at his best, he should be ready for the best version of Rafael Xavier too.”

Xavier lives and trains in Berlin, so despite his Brazilian background, the fight in Germany will be specific to him.

“I want to represent Germany as a great athlete. I have a good team here, we work hard to achieve our goals. Berlin is my city. I’m looking forward to the fight in Munich. Next time we will bring the Octagon to Berlin, fill the arena with great fans and put on an amazing show,” he doesn’t hide his big plans.

Vemola’s rejection and title prospects

It has already been mentioned that Rafael Xavier was supposed to fight at the O2 arena in December. However, in the summer, he received a unique offer to fight for the welterweight title with Karlos Vemola at Štvanica in Prague. But he didn’t take it.

“When I got the news that I could fight Vemola for the title, I was excited. The only problem was that the fight wasn’t yes 5 weeks away. It was too spontaneous for us. We thought the fight would happen after the summer period,” explains the Brazilian’s decision to decline.

“My head coach and the whole team were actually planning a holiday with my family for the next few weeks. How could I prepare for a title fight without my team? That’s the only reason my head coach decided to postpone the fight,” Xavier added.

The popular fighter could be waiting for a similar offer again for a while. “There are a lot of good athletes in the welterweight division, but in my last four fights I have shown that I can do my job well and win fights. Who deserves a title shot more than me?” he reflects.

He couldn’t help mentioning Stephan Pütz, for example. “He’s a good fighter, a family man. I respect him as a great German fighter. I have a good new contract with the Octagon now and I’m ready for everyone in our weight class. My management and Oktagon will decide who my next opponent will be. I promise I will be ready,” Xavier is clear.

And plans for next year? To wrestle a lot and to take a shot at kickboxing in addition to MMA. “It’s my time. I want to give back to the fans. They support me in every fight. Now it’s my time to deliver them the big show they deserve. I hope my Czech and Slovak fans will come to Munich and enjoy the fun,” the Brazilian fighter concluded the interview.

