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What about Vemola? Not even the promoters know. But there is nothing good with him, says Novotný. Five rounds for Kinc? Unrealistic in my world, he adds

Patrik Kincl did it. After five years he made it through the crucial rematch and defeated Karlos Vemola. He didn’t even shake his opponent’s hand after the fight and disappeared from the cage. What’s wrong with him? Even after the press conference, Oktagon promoters didn’t know. What does Ondrej Novotny have to say about the fight and the whole situation?



Patrik Kincl did it. After five years, he made it through the crucial rematch and defeated Karlos Vemola. He didn’t even shake his opponent’s hand after the fight and disappeared from the cage. What’s wrong with him? Even after the press conference, Oktagon promoters didn’t know. What does Ondrej Novotny have to say about the fight and the whole situation?

Five rounds of the same scenario. Five rounds for Patrik Kinc, whose win was seen by all three judges. Although Karlos Vémola kept pushing him to the fence, Inspector showed great readiness, defense and still dealt punches and caused damage to his opponent’s face.

The Terminator promised to shake Kinclo’s hand no matter how the fight turned out. It didn’t happen. After the result was announced, he quickly left the cage. Backstage reports say he was headed to the hospital, but that’s not certain. At least according to the promoters.

When it was about two o’clock in the morning and it was after the press conference and about two hours after the fight, even the promoters of the organization did not know where Vémola was and what was wrong with him.

“We don’t know if he went to the hospital or what exactly happened. He couldn’t talk properly, he had something wrong with his eyes. That’s all we know. Anyway, there is nothing good with him, especially mentally. The medical one will get better, but the big loss is a big loss,” Ondrej Novotny said in a live broadcast after the tournament.

And what did he say about the result, which no one, not even the experts, agreed on? “I would have been surprised if the match didn’t go that way, but 5-0 on rounds seems out of place. There was still no damage in the first round, in the fifth round Karlos was naked maybe after punches in the last minute, but otherwise he went in there to die and 5-0 is not realistic in my world. But we’re not the judges.”

It’s worth noting that David Kozma, for example, saw Vemola winning, but Attila Végh saw Kinc as the winner. But there is no disputing the Inspector’s victory.

Even Novotný admits that Kincl won deservedly. But what about Vémolá? We don’t know. “It will be hard to find motivation for him. He’s still the welterweight champion and he has a defence to make, nothing ends there, but it’s clear that this was THE fight and he lost a big fight again after four years,” referring among other things to his loss to Vegh.

Vémola did not make Novotny happy with his hasty exit from the cage without shaking hands. According to him, a great champion should swallow a loss even if it is a big emotion. He said he definitely made more enemies.

Source: Octagon MMA
