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This isn’t gonna be enough for you! Attila will watch me beat you up, Vémola tells the Pirate

It was going to be his night, he was going to be the middleweight champion. Instead, he had to watch as Samuel Pirate Kristofich took his place. Karlos Vémola was injured shortly before the fight and is facing a long layoff and a series of surgeries. What did he tell the new interim champion of his weight class?



It was going to be his night, he was going to be the middleweight champion. Instead, he had to watch as Samuel Pirate Kristofich took his place. Karlos Vémola was injured shortly before the fight and is facing a long layoff and a series of surgeries. What did he tell the new interim champion of his weight class?

An extremely even five round battle was fought by Samuel Krištofič, who managed to defeat Marcin Naruszczka on points. However, the fight was not as attractive for the fans as expected.

However, the Pirate was very happy with the result, even though the match was more even than he expected. Even Karlos Vémola, who came to the cage after the fight, did not spoil his joy.

“Congratulations, the spectators were so bored that they started making Mexican waves during the match. With a performance like that you have no chance at all against me,” said the Terminator to the Pirate in the middle of the cage.

“I’m going to work my ass off to be back as soon as possible and put the belt back where it belongs. Everybody knows there’s only one king in the Octagon. I’ll be back sooner than everyone thinks,” Vemola continued his statement.

Understandably, he didn’t take a dig at Attila Vegh, who was leading the Pirate into the fight: “Attila doesn’t want to fight me. He helped Mikulášek and Ďatelink. Now he’s going to watch me beat up Pirate.”

But if there’s anyone in the Octagon who won’t be upset by the Terminator’s trashtalk, it’s the Pirate, who managed to counter after a five-round grueling battle.

“When I get full training on you, that performance will be completely different. I know you’re all talk all the time. Thetitle is mine, and it will stay with me,” Kristofich responded to Vemola’s speech, drawing applause from the crowd.

So we have something to look forward to!

Source: Oktagon MMA
