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The RFA wants to be surpassing the Octagon within a year. What will be the minimum salary for fighters and what is planned for fans?

In less than a month, the new Real Fight Arena organization will be presenting their plans and other signed fighters at a big press conference. Already now, however, promoter Boris Marhansky is hinting at a few things. Now he even revealed the minimum salaries of the fighters.



In less than a month, the new Real Fight Arena organization will be presenting their plans and other signed fighters at a big press conference. Already now, however, promoter Boris Marhansky is hinting at something. Now he even revealed the minimum salaries of the fighters.

2. on February, a big press conference of the new RFA organization is planned. A lot of news should be revealed to fans and media. But some of them are already slowly being revealed by promoter Boris Marhansky.

In a recent interview with he talked about the fighters’ salaries. There is a lot of talk about the fact that the fighters of Oktagon went to the new organization just for the money. What is the truth in that?

“We gave some fighters several times more because they were earning ridiculous amounts. But some of them had normal money in the Octagon and they have comparable conditions with us,” Marhansky said.

The RFA management did a survey to find out how much fighters in foreign organizations earn. Based on that, they have developed an internal table that will take into account the performance, score and displace of a given wrestler.

The winners of the amateur pyramids, which will be on display at the first yet-to-be-numbered tournament, will earn 1,500 euros per match, which will be the minimum amount that can be earned in the RFA. This translates to roughly 36,000 crowns.

However, the organization wants to take care of its fighters not only financially, but also in terms of health and marketing. But it also has plans with its fans.

“We want to prepare an experience for the fans like at NHL or NBA games, to fill in the blanks with entertainment. We also want to draw them more into the storyline. For example, they will vote to decide the bonus for the performance of the night. We will be the first in the world in something, but you’ll have to wait,” says Marhanský.

The RFA’s ambitions, then, are quite clear. “To be the Czechoslovak number one at the end of the year. Next year we want to organise more than seven tournaments. We are also planning tournaments in Hungary, Austria and exotic countries,” the promoter added.

And what about a possible cooperation with Oktagon? Marhansky can imagine cooperation with anyone, he likes the idea of championship matches very much, but he doesn’t see it promising yet. He’s not going to ask for anything.

So the future of combat sports in the Czech Republic and Slovakia looks more than interesting.

