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Sivak on the fight with Keita: It’s all about money. He’s an MMA fighter, I’m a K1 fighter, he said

Václav Sivák is fighting as hard as he can, but there is also talk of a fight with Losen Keita. The young Czech wrestler has now explained under what conditions he will go into this difficult duel.



Václav Sivák is fighting as hard as he can, but there is also talk of a fight with Losen Keita. The young Czech wrestler has now explained under what conditions he will go into this difficult duel.

Vaclav Sivak won another of his many fights on Sunday, this time defeating Vladimir Lengal. More than the fight itself, however, the public was interested in the subsequent challenge.

Boxer Kelvin Soquessa came to the cage and asked for a fight with Sivak. But he got angry and cut him off. “I’m not even a boxer, you moron, I’m going to the world to fight for half a million, you understand.

I earned this, my friend, I wanted to fight the best too,” Sivak said right in the cage, his anger literally oozing out of him. Before the fight, however, there was another topic.

Sivák said that he wanted a million crowns to move to MMA. He’s not going to move to this sport for a lower amount, after all his strength is his attitude.

However, he was challenged to a fight by Losene Keita, the Octagon champion, who would like to take a shot at him. “If we’re talking about Keita, that’s a completely different bite than some Soquessa here who wants to challenge me.

It’s all about money. He’s an MMA fighter, I’m a K1 fighter, so that’s where the money comes into play,” Sivak said in an interview with Willy Cao.

So the condition for this attractive duel is undoubtedly the aforementioned million crowns. This amount is not usual in MMA, on the domestic scene it is only given to individuals who are strong especially in the media.

Keita is also a quality MMA fighter on the ground, so it is a big question how much Sivak could keep up with him. This offers a fight in the Underground, where the forces could be significantly even.

Source: Willy Cao, Heroes Gate
