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Pirate leans on Kinclo, he responds: hopefully his confidence will last after the first round

In a month and a few days we will see the title fight between Samuel Kristofich and Patrik Kinclo. At first it seemed that both fighters respect each other and we won’t see any trash-talking, but now it’s far from happening.



In a month and a few days we will see the title fight between Samuel Kristofich and Patrik Kinclo. At first it seemed that both fighters respect each other and we won’t see any trash-talking, but now it’s far from happening.

It is already certain that Oktagon 30 will offer many great fights. But everyone is looking forward to the main one, when Samuel Kristofich and Patrik Kincl, who will replace Karlos Vemola, will fight for the middleweight championship belt.

The Pirate initially had respect for Kincl, for some time he even claimed that he was a tougher opponent than the Terminator, but now he has leaned on his rival.

“Kincl came in after a loss and thinks he’s going to be the new king of the Octagon, but I’ve been swimming in these waters for a long time and I’m not going to let him do this. He’ll find he’s no match for me in the standup department, so he’ll go for a takedown, which I’ll refuse. The pressure will be enormous, he will have nowhere to run,” the Pirate was heard saying in the organization’s promo video.

“He will just wait for the punch himself. I’ll catch him, I’ll hit him and the fight will be over. It will be a first or second round KO. I don’t expect to torture him for five rounds. Patrick, get ready for it, he’s going to get knocked out on 12/30 and you’re going to wake up on New Year’s Day,” Kristofich finished his statement.

The Slovakian fighter then went on to believe that he will have more fans in the O2 Arena, which amused Kinc. He therefore urged his fans not to let something like that happen.

However, he didn’t stop there in his reaction to the Pirate’s statement. On the contrary, “I’m not going to get into some cheap trash-talk. Personally, I was not offended, but rather amused. I hope this confidence will last him beyond the first round.”

Besides, the Czech fighter said that it is easy to make shoulders among the roach and never venture into deep waters among the big fish.

Moreover, Kincl, who has had tougher fights and bigger tests than the Pirate, will be the favourite for the fight. How will that show in the fight?

Source: Octagon MMA, Patrik Kincl.
