Paradeiser’s fight with Keita? In my eyes Rony won, he was more technical than his opponent, says Buchinger
Provisional title has been awarded! Losene Keita is now the interim Octagon lightweight champion and his next opponent will be Ivan Buchinger, who was unable to defend due to injury. However, Keita was not the winner according to him.
Provisional title has been awarded! Losene Keita is now the interim Octagon lightweight champion and his next opponent will be Ivan Buchinger, who was unable to defend due to injury. However, Keita was not the winner according to him.
Ronald Paradeiser was given the chance to fight for the lightweight title again after falling to Ivan Buchinger last January. Not for the title, but for the interim title.
Because the reigning champion Buchinger was injured, the Octagon decided to match Paradeiser with Losen Keita to see who would subsequently face Buchinger.
The Slovakian was the better man in the match from the start, but then he began to tire and Keita pulled off the win for himself. Buchinger would still give the win to Paradeiser though.
“It was a very good match. But in my eyes Rony won it. He was more technical than his opponent, he had control on the ground and I really liked his takedowns.
Keita, on the other hand, had more damage with his punches, which the judges nowadays look at differently than before. He didn’t show anything on the ground though. And if he says I’m not a complex fighter, I say he’s not,” he said in an interview with
He then added that it’s possible that if he saw the fight again, Keita could come out as the winner. What will he have to watch out for in a fight with him?
“He is a very skilled fighter, especially now that he has beaten one of the best Slovaks in our country. But if I get him on the ground, he’s going to have a lot of trouble with me there.
But in any case I have to be careful too. He’s really got grenades in his stance. Moreover, I can only lose a lot by our fight, while he can gain a lot,” he added.