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Ondrej Novotny is a nice guy. I thought it was fair to tell him in person what we are planning, says the new co-owner of GCF and popular youtuber Vláďa. What are his plans?

The GCF is back and in full force. Historically the first MMA organization in our territory has new owners and they would like to dust off its shine. However, as Vladimír Kadlec, who will mainly play the role of promoter in the organization, claims, the goal will not be to sell out the O2 Arena. What are his plans and what does the popular youtuber say about Ondřej Novotný?



The GCF is back and in full force. Historically the first MMA organization in our territory has new owners and they would like to dust off its shine. However, as Vladimír Kadlec, who will mainly play the role of promoter in the organization, claims, the goal will not be to sell out the O2 Arena. What are his plans and what does the popular youtuber say about Ondřej Novotný?

The famous GCF returns to the scene

Michal Hamršmíd did a great job for our MMA scene, but now he is no longer the owner of the GCF organization. He has sold it to new owners, including a popular youtuber, who can be known especially by the younger generation under the nickname VladaVideos.

However, Hamršmíd still has a place in the organisation. He now explains to the new owners what is actually being done. And the amount for which he sold GCF? “Commensurate with the state the organization was in. It wasn’t in a bad state, but it certainly could have been done better,” Vladimir Kadlec was heard on the RealTalk podcast.

And how did Vláďa himself get to this point? He got a call from Matěj Kretík, who is, among other things, Jiří Procházka’s manager, telling him that GCF was for sale. Kretík is also one of the new owners of the organization, albeit with a smaller share.

Kadlec admitted that he did not think long about accepting the offer. He now owns the second largest share (20%).

His role will then be mainly in promotion. He wants to show the fans how to build such an organisation. Besides, he will handle the promotion of the fighters. He will also have a role in making important decisions.

I love MMA and the atmosphere around it, says Vlad

We will see the first GCF tournament under the new owners on September 3. “Now it’s important to show that the GCF is back,” Kadlec is clear. The popular youtuber admits that he will also be in charge of the fighters’ salaries, which in a way he is looking forward to.

However, he’s glad that the organization’s focus is mainly on amateurs, which means it won’t run into huge egos as much. “But it won’t always be pleasant,” he says, aware of the complexities of his task. It will all be about finding a compromise, he says.

Kadlec understands that running an MMA organization isn’t cheap. Producing, editing videos or promoting fighters is not free. Everything costs a lot of money. “Even if the fighters are angry and would like more money, sometimes it’s just not possible,” says Vlad.

What is the key to success? He loves MMA, he loves the atmosphere around the sport and so do the people around him. Every fighter is specific. That’s why he wants to devote himself to it to the fullest.

Among other things, Vlada admitted that GCF will not be his livelihood. He will still make a living by creating videos on YouTube.

Vláďa as Ondřej Novotný? I’ll be mine, he promises

When you say “promoter”, many people think of Ondřej Novotný, the co-owner of Oktaogn and the face of the whole organisation. Vláďa, however, wants to do things a bit differently. He probably won’t go into the cage at all, he’s only thinking about post-match interviews.

He has a good relationship with Novotny. That’s why he told him about the GCF project personally at lunch: ‘It seems fair to me to come to him and say that we are doing something like this here. We get along well, I like him, he’s a nice guy. I’m happy to listen to him. What he says has a head and a heel.”

The whole process regarding the GCF takeover took about a year. And now that the process is complete, Vlad is facing comparisons with Novotny. Does he want to be better? “I will be my own man. Ondra is doing his job well. He has shown me what I want to do in life,” he said.

Besides, Kadlec adds that the GCF is not looking to buy out Octagon fighters.

We don’t want to go bizarre and sell out the O2 Arena, says Kadlec

Now the Clash Of The Stars organization is all the rage outside the Octagon. It organizes celebrity fights and has a big reach. There has already been a pillow fight at its gala. That’s not the direction GCF is going. But Vlada doesn’t rule out a Youtuber fight, on the contrary.

And when the fight takes place, Kadlec wants it to have a sporting spirit and level. The important thing, according to him, is respect for MMA and humility. GCF will be satisfied with selling out smaller halls, the primary thing will be to take care of the fighters so that they can go to world-class organizations, among which he counts Oktagon.

Now, the new owners of the GCF are still looking for sponsors to help cover the costs that come with running an MMA organization.

Source: RealTalk, GCF
