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Oktagon tournament in O2 arena? We have nowhere to go to bomb it even more, said Novotný

Octagon 43 in Prague’s O2 Arena is approaching. We will see the start of the real stars, led by Patrik Kinclo or Karlos Vémolá, but apart from them there will also be Tipsport Gamechanger. What did the promoter Ondřej Novotný say before the tournament?



Oktagon is planning to break the record for the number of its tournaments this year, so we don’t even have time to absorb the experience of the last event and here comes the next one. But this time it will be a real show.

It will feature David Kozma against Alex Lohore and Louis Glismann against Melvin van Suijdam. The replacements will be Ion Surdu and Amiran Gogoladz, but beyond that we can look forward to some real stars.

Robert Pukač, Miroslav Brož, Matěj Kuzník, Mateusz Legierski, Robert Bryczek, Ahmed Villa, Marek Mazúch and many others. In short, you don’t want to miss this tournament.

That’s also why there are questions about whether Oktagon is planning some specialty that it likes to come up with for such tournaments. However, Ondrej Novotny admitted that the financial demands of the event are already so big that we cannot expect anything else.

“We haven’t made the tickets more expensive at all, but everything is more expensive for us. The fighters are more expensive, literally and literally, the O2 arena is more expensive, all the people are more expensive. We have nowhere to go to make it even more expensive, especially since we absolutely bombed the card itself.

It’s going to be a ten course, Michelin star dinner for everyone who comes. I think that’s quite enough. If we want to play, we’ll keep it to Štvanici,” he said in an interview with

