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Oktagon promoter Novotný reacts to the new hit called slapping: it’s absolute dementia, not sport! The worst is imminent

A new world trend? Slapping. Even the head of the UFC was interested. Dana White helped found the Power Slap organization, through which he wants to make this “sport” more visible and take it to a higher level. However, Oktagon promoter Ondrej Novotny doesn’t understand this and has made his opinion known.



A new global trend? Slapping. Even the head of the UFC was interested. Dana White helped found the Power Slap organization, through which he wants to make this “sport” more visible and take it to a higher level. However, Oktagon promoter Ondrej Novotny doesn’t understand this and has made his opinion known.

The Power Slap organization has had its first tournament and Dana White had to face huge criticism. As well as the whole “sport” called slap. Stars from the sporting environment, including stars or former MMA fighters, are speaking out on the topic.

Some of the footage has been much discussed on Twitter, even among Czech users. Mostly they were offended by how the whole slapping thing looks and what the consequences can be.

Oktagon promoter Ondrej Novotny, who is definitely not in agreement with White’s visions, also noted the discussions. On the contrary. He doesn’t like the slapping at all.

“I and OKTAGON MMA are absolutely against this dementia and I would like someone to stop it before the inevitable happens here as well. That is, not just severe injuries, but the worst,” Novotny expressed on Twitter.

“It’s everything you don’t exactly want happening and for anyone to associate combat sports with. Keeping your head set against a punch is absolute dementia and not a sport,” added one of the founders of the largest Czechoslovak MMA organization under another post.

It is worth mentioning that this trend has already arrived in the Czech Republic. The Red Face organisation has been established here and is even organising a pyramid for a million crowns.

In February, Red Face will hold a casting where 48 pyramid participants will be selected. It will be held in two weight categories, namely under 90 and over 90 kilograms.

Source: Twitter, Power Slap
