Octagon MMA has reached a historical record! In its ranks there are 15 fighters who are in the top 100 Fightmatrix
Octagon MMA is gradually rising to the top of the world’s MMA organizations. Currently, the organization has a total of 15 fighters who are in the top 100 of the recognized Fightmatrix portal.
Octagon MMA is gradually rising to the top of the world’s MMA organizations. Currently, the organization has a total of 15 fighters who are in the top 100 of the recognized Fightmatrix portal.
Oktagon MMA has achieved an interesting record
The successes don’t only grow thanks to the great marketing moves of the Oktagon team or the amazing fans that add to the atmosphere of each tournament. However, it is mainly the fighters who lift the fans out of their seats with their athletic performances.
There are already 15 fighters in the top 100 Fightmatrix rankings within the organization
Fightmatrix is an independent website that is globally recognized for ranking MMA fighters by various categories. Considering how many MMA organizations and fighters are in those rankings, this is a huge accomplishment.
The best ever fighter within the Octagon across all weight classes is Losene Keita, who holds the 44th spot in the lightweight rankings.
Two ranks behind him is Aleksandar Ilic within the welterweight division, but he alternates starts in other European organizations. Then in third place within the organization is Karlos Vémola, who is 49th in the welterweight rankings.
We have compiled all 15 Oktagon fighters and their rankings in the table below. We have ranked the fighters according to the best position and the weight class in which the position is mentioned.
Source: Octagon MMA, Fightmatrix