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Mikulášek surprised me, he’s not a bad guy, Kotalík admitted. After more than 3 years in prison, he is grateful to the Octagon for the chance

Michal Kotalik was one of the participants of the Oktagon Time press conference on Friday, which he attended in view of the upcoming May fight with Vaclav Mikulasek. After the press conference, he revealed how his opponent affects him.



Michal Kotalik was one of the participants of the Oktagon Time press conference on Friday, which he attended in view of the upcoming May fight with Vaclav Mikulasek. After the press conference, he revealed how his opponent is affecting him.

Michal Kotalik was a great talent in Czech MMA, but had to cut his career short in 2018. This was because he was convicted of assault when he was supposed to protect Czech fitness influencer Sabina Dolezalova. He was to spend four years in prison.

Thanks to his good behaviour, he was released a little earlier, but he spent over three years in prison. But now he’s back and will try to return to the fight scene. He will have his first fight in May when he takes on Baba Yaga in a boxing match.

Kotalik met his opponent for the first time at Friday’s Oktagon press conference in Ostrava. As he admitted himself, he was nervous about the press conference, but after it was over he had only positive impressions.

“Vasek surprised me. He was really cool with me, and I stress that, and I can’t say that the guy is bad. He’s good, he’s funny. I’m still a fan of his, I’m rooting for him to beat Tomas Bol.”

Václav Mikulášek had more than once a sharp dig at Bol. That’s why people asked Kotalík about the behaviour of his first opponent after leaving prison. “He was decent to me, but I don’t want people to think that we will go there in May to fight back. He’s a tough guy, we’re going in there to get chopped up,” Kotalik said.

Kotalik also says he wants to show off to the fans after years without a fight. He has promised that he’s definitely going all in for the fight and that he’s going to win. He concluded by thanking Oktagon for giving him a chance to get back in the game.

Source:: Instagram, Michal Kotalik, Oktagon MMA
