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Marpo vs. Vemola rematch? Karel is crazy and asking for a sum that can’t even be paid, says the rapper. He says he has no shortage of offers

It was supposed to be the match of the night, but in the end it was the only black mark on an otherwise successful gala. Karlos Vémola controversially defeated Marko in a nearly sold out O2 arena. The rematch? Potentially not impossible. The popular rapper reveals where it’s all tied up.



It was supposed to be the match of the night, but in the end it was the only black mark on an otherwise successful gala. Karlos Vémola controversially defeated Marko in a nearly sold out O2 arena. The rematch? Potentially not impossible. The popular rapper reveals where it’s all tied up.

It’s been a long time in the making. It’s even been postponed twice. But in the end, the boxing match, starring Karlos Vémola and Marpo, did happen. The winner was, as expected, the Terminator, but controversy surrounded everything.

There was a lot of talk that the fight was stopped too soon. There was also talk that Vémola had fouled in the match and should have not only been reprimanded, but possibly disqualified as well. The referees also commented on the match, offering their views on the course of the match.

But all that is in the past. Vemola is now rocking in MMA, coming to claim the Octagon welterweight title. Marpo, on the other hand, is slowly getting ready for his RFA fight with the legendary Ilya Shkodrich.

Virtually immediately after Marpo’s fight with Vemola, there was talk of a rematch. But according to many people, there’s no point. However, Marpo has now revealed that right after the fight, the Terminator actually offered him a second fight.

“He actually called right after the fight that he wanted a rematch. But now, like crazy, he’s asked for it for such a bombshell that it can’t even be paid for. So we’ll see. I’d go for it. I would. I want it because I’m pissed off. Now I know what to prepare for,” he expressed on his Trash Talk podcast.

Marpo also hinted outside of that that he has no shortage of offers for more fights: “Obviously I can’t say who with right now, but why not. I’d love to box. Frankly, you gotta pay the bills.”

He does have one wish, however. He would like to finally fight someone in his weight class. Both Vémola and Škondrič are heavier.

Source: Marpo, YouTube
