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Lucia Szabová: Biography of one of the rising stars of Czech-Slovak MMA

She is only 22 years old, yet she is one of the biggest stars of the Octagon organization. Lucia Szabova is destroying opponent after opponent and is already slowly wondering if the time for her transition to the UFC is approaching. What is her life story?



She is only 23 years old, yet she is one of the biggest stars of the Octagon organization. Lucia Szabova is destroying opponent after opponent and is already slowly wondering if the time for her transition to the UFC is approaching. What is her life story?

Lucia got into combat sports at a young age, thanks to the fact that her father was involved in judo for many years. That’s what she started with. In her youth, however, she did other sports as well.

She tried tennis or basketball, but was eventually won over by Thai boxing, in which she had excellent success. She won the eight-man pyramid at the Night of the Fighters 15 gala, beating three opponents.

She also became the Slovakian champion and ended her Thai boxing career undefeated with a 12:0 record. In fact, she was invited to join the reality show Oktagon Challenge, which she accepted, and thus began her MMA career.

She made it to the finals of the reality show, where she was supposed to face Sandra Mašková, but that fight never happened.

The fight was supposed to take place during the Oktagon 15 tournament, where the legendary Attila Vegh and Karlos Vemola fought, but Szabová was in a serious car accident.

She escaped with an injured shoulder, the rest of the crew was fine, yet one life was lost because of this accident.

The postponed fight was supposed to be at the Octagon 16 tournament, but was postponed due to the pandemic situation. During that time, however, Maskova retired from her MMA career and since none of the semifinalists wanted to face Szabova, Lucia was declared the winner.

She then participated in the Oktagon Underground tournament, where she did very well, but fell to Tereza Bleda on points in the final, which many fans disagreed with.

She started in professional MMA as part of the Oktagon 18 tournament held on November 21, 2020. She defeated Anželika Petkevičiūtė on a submission.

She subsequently won against Rizlen Zouak, Christina Netza and Cornelia Holm. Her record in professional MMA is thus 4: 0.

Her fighting style makes her arguably one of the most popular MMA fighters in the Octagon, if not the most popular at all. None of her fights are boring.

Source:: 7 Sport, Fight-live, Sherdog
