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Kincl reports trouble before the duel with Vémolá! His hand was swollen like a balloon, but the match is not in danger

Patrik Kincl will defend his middleweight championship belt with Karlos Vémola this Saturday. Before one of the most important fights of his life, however, he reports an injury, which fortunately does not threaten him enough to not jump into the fight.



Patrik Kincl will defend his middleweight championship belt with Karlos Vémola this Saturday. Before one of the most important fights of his life, however, he reports an injury, which fortunately does not threaten him enough to not jump into the fight.

Injuries are part of MMA. Almost every tournament is not without changes for this reason, and this also affected the Oktagon 43 tournament in Prague’s O2 Arena, where unfortunately we will not see Ion Surda.

Instead of him, British Liam Etebar jumped into the fight with Amiran Gogoladz and there are still 11 duels on the schedule. However, now the champion Patrik Kincl is also reporting difficulties.

His fight with Karlos Vemola was supposed to take place several times in the past, or more accurately a rematch, as the Terminator celebrated a win in the opening bout. The last date was supposed to be December 30, but Vemola was not allowed by the doctors due to his health condition.

So now he is fine and can jump into the fight, but Kincl told his fans that he is definitely not 100% (neither will Vémola himself). However, he also added that it certainly doesn’t mean that the game should be in jeopardy.

“As it happens, there were complications at the end. This time I did something to my other hand. It’s getting a little better, but yesterday it was swollen like a ball. I don’t know about hitting it. Looks more like inflammation.

So we’re kind of tuning it up. I’m not making a fuss about it, though. Or not too big. I’ll go to the game. The important thing for me now is to keep it local so it doesn’t spread throughout the body. Of course, I can’t have antibiotics because they would upset my microbiome, the crashing and especially the subsequent picking up.

On the other hand, it’s good news for me too I must say. Every time something like this came up, it was worth it afterwards. I’m not superstitious by any means, but with these things I guess I actually am, announced the reigning champion on his YouTube channel.

The Kinc Vémolou fight will take place on Saturday, May 20 at the O2 Arena in Prague, and we should expect their bout to take place around midnight. But besides these two, we can also look forward to other star fighters.

Source: Oktagon MMA, YouTube Patrik Kincl
