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He pissed me off just by taking the fight with me, I wouldn’t expect him to do that, says Buchinger about Barborik

The match between Ivan Buchinger and Vojta Barborík was supposed to be a fight between two friends. But in the end it was very heated, with both sides. The fighters clashed heads already on staredown and gave nothing away in the octagon.



The match between Ivan Buchinger and Vojta Barborík was supposed to be a fight between two friends. But in the end it was very heated, with both sides. The fighters clashed heads already on staredown and gave nothing away in the octagon.

Ivan Buchinger knew Vojta Barborik before the fight, both respected each other and you could say they were friends, but then something changed.

“He f**ked me up, just by taking the fight with me, I wouldn’t have expected that from him. I’m sure they gave him more love and told him that if he beat me he could go up and go out in the world. But I’m Ivan Buchinger, for f**k’s sake. He can’t ignore me like that.

And the other thing, when we were at the Oktagon Time press conference in Prague. I said I’m the biggest wolf in the division and he said, ‘A wolf that barks doesn’t bite.’ I’m like, what the f**k is he talking about? A

he doesn’t think he’s gonna win, but he’s convinced. He’s pissed me off. I put it in my head there that I want to eliminate him and I don’t take him as any friend,” Buchinger said in an interview with iSport.

That’s part of the reason why things boiled over between the fighters at the staredown, which was watched by a huge number of fans. First they said something to each other and then they butted heads. But after the fight, everything changed.

“I told him sorry, bro, I didn’t mean to do it like that, and he was like, why did I do that or something. At least now he’ll know why. Plus, I wanted to throw him off a little bit mentally too, that’s why it looked the way it did,” Buchinger said.

He is now heading for a third title, as he wants to challenge David Kozma at welterweight. But he will face the winner of the Brito – Knize fight first, and Buchinger has to defend his first title.

Source: MMA Shorties
