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Hard blow for the Octagon! There will be no Chepo vs. Peñáz fight in Bratislava. Money broke his arm, this is what the x-ray looks like

The match we want, but it’s not meant to be. In April, rivals Vlasto Čepo and Matěj Peňáz were supposed to face each other in the cage, but we won’t see it. The Moravian fighter got injured and is going to take a break.



The match we want, but it’s not meant to be. In April, rivals Vlasto Čepo and Matěj Peňáz were supposed to face each other in the cage, but we won’t see it. The Moravian fighter got injured and is going to take a break.

It was 2020, the year of the coronavirus pandemic, but for combat sports fans, a whole new chapter was beginning to be written. Oktagon came up with the Underground project, which included the posturing stars.

Vlasto Čepo and Matěj Peňáz presented themselves in an attractive pyramid. Both made it to the finals, but unfortunately they never met. The fans were extremely excited for their match, because both fighters presented attractive performances.

Peňáz then took a dig at Čepa about “chocolates”, which was an exaggerated way of accusing the Slovak brawler of doping. But due to an injury, the Moravian fighter did not take part in the fight. Then it was agreed for a long time that the fight would take place.

But it still hasn’t happened. Something’s always come up. It was even in play that Money would fight his way into the UFC, but he didn’t make it to Dana White’s Contender Series and returned to the Octagon.

It was upon his return that he was supposed to face Chep in early December, but the fight didn’t happen. He didn’t go into action until the end of the year against the man who defeated Chep. It was to be the last hurdle in the planned duel.

When Peñáz won, it was officially announced that he would face Čep in April in Bratislava at OKTAGON 42. But now we know in advance that the fight will not happen again.

Money broke his hand unpleasantly and will have to undergo surgery first of all, and a long break second, during which the 26-year-old will be getting his act together.

Octagon has even released an X-ray that just goes to show how bad of an injury Money has suffered. So let’s hope that he recovers as soon as possible and most importantly as much as possible. And hopefully we’ll see him fight with Chep one day.

Source: Octagon MMA
