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Expansion into Europe? Novotný confirms interest of several countries, sees potential of Oktagon events in Serbia

The Octagon is growing. After Germany, it will be heading to the UK in the autumn, premiering in Manchester. But it is slowly discussing the possibilities of further expansion. Ireland is the most talked about, but Serbia and other countries are also in the background.



The Oktagon is growing. After Germany, it will be heading to the UK in the autumn, premiering in Manchester. But it is slowly discussing the possibilities of further expansion. Ireland is the most talked about, but Serbia and other countries are also in the background.

Octagon is not only Czech-Slovak anymore. The organisation wants to grow and become a European leader. Last year, it visited Germany for the first time, where it is gradually establishing itself.

Oktagon has already held several tournaments in our neighbouring country and is now entering a new market in the UK. The first tournament is scheduled to take place in Manchester this autumn.

However, fans are speculating about other countries as well. Ireland has already been mentioned by the organisation’s management and is likely to be seen next year, but that is not too far a market from the UK.

Serbia, which has been rumoured for some time, could also be new. Nothing should be agreed at the moment, but Ondřej Novotný logically admits this option.

“We want to grow gradually, we just can’t rush it. We have to be reasonable. Some countries are pushing us, others we see the potential ourselves. And Serbia certainly has it,” he said in an interview with iDNES.

He also admitted that the members of some countries are traveling to Oktagon and expressing interest in having the organization start in their country. However, everything is not so easy and it cannot be done only once.

“Several countries have been coming to us for a long time and literally pulling us. They give us smaller and bigger incentives and each one offers different benefits.

But we would need an injection of tens of millions. Not because we can’t deliver tournaments, but mainly because of the people. You need to have experience with the country, you need to have your people there,” he added.

Source: iDNES
