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Coinciding date of Oktagon and RFA tournament in Brno? We are not competing with them in anything. We don’t care what, when and where they do, says Novotný

When the Oktagon organization announced the date and location of the Oktagon 35 tournament, many were surprised. It coincided with a tournament of the rival organization RFA. Ondrej Novotny described the situation on his stream.



When the Oktagon organization announced the date and location of the Oktagon 35 tournament, many were surprised. It coincided with a tournament of the rival organization RFA. Ondřej Novotný described the situation on his stream.

Oktagon presented its tournament in Brno on September 17th with the serial number 35. But many fans were surprised by this date for a simple reason.

On the same day and even in the same city, RFA has a tournament! The latter will surely have a harder time getting fans into the hall, as the highlight of the Oktagon tournament will be the fight between Kinceloe and Lohore.

What did Oktagon promoter Ondřej Novotný have to say about these coinciding dates? “Again, we don’t really care. We don’t watch these guys and we don’t watch them at all. We don’t compete with them in anything in the company. We don’t care what they do, when they do it, where they do it. We’re going to do what we want.

When we talk about data, we can talk about it with people who are our partners and who we recognize within the scene as people who are an asset to the scene and who we can have normal conversations with. If we talk to basically anyone else, we can talk about dates and so on.

At the same time, it has to be said that if you go to a venue today, we get one date and you take it or you don’t. I think we’re even in three of the same dates by the end of the year, if I’m not mistaken. Maybe two.

We don’t really care. It’s not our problem. We’re doing our own thing, so there we go. I don’t know what else to say because I don’t even have anything else to say,” he said on hislive MMA Flight of the World broadcast .

Going forward, expect the two organizations to continue to cross paths in terms of dates. This will most likely be the case in July, when RFA has a tournament in Ostrava, while Octagon is expected to have a scheduled event in Stvanice.

Source: MMA Flying Around the World
