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The story of the past. How did Jose Mourinho fall for the beautiful doctor on the Chelsea bench?

In 2015, an interesting moment took place on the bench of Chelsea London. There was an argument between the then coach of the club and the medical team. Specifically, it was about the doctor Eva Carneiro, who lost her job because of the incident.



In 2015, an interesting moment took place on the bench of Chelsea London. There was an argument between the then coach of the club and the medical team. Specifically, it was about the doctor Eva Carneiro, who lost her job because of the incident.

If Jose Mourinho is unhappy with any situation, he can make it very clear. He has on more than one occasion completely disregarded his players, but also other members of the coaching staff.

A doctor lost her job over an initially innocent looking situation and later left the football environment altogether.

This incident took place during the 2015/2016 season. Eden Hazard fell to the ground after contact during a match against Swansea and showed no interest in returning to the game for quite some time.

The medical team, led by Eva Carneiro and another doctor, Jon Fearn, assessed the situation by running onto the pitch and started treating the Belgian footballer. This intervention caused Hazard to have to leave the pitch for a few moments afterwards, of course, and this is what made Mourinho incredibly angry.

I was not happy with the medical team. Even if you are a doctor or a secretary, when you are on the bench you have to understand the game,” Jose Mourinho justified his emotions after the game.

You have to know that the club will miss one player. When you decide to go on the pitch, you have to be sure that the player has a really serious problem,” continued the Portuguese strategist.

The relationship between Eva Carneiro and Mourinho has started to reach a breaking point. He later even banned her from the club’s bench and from attending training sessions. All the events led to the doctor later leaving the club altogether.

She even took the whole matter to court despite the fact that the club offered her £1.2 million in compensation. To make matters worse for the sympathetic doctor, her ex-boyfriend accused her of having a sexual relationship with one of the players.

The doctor herself later said that it was probably the most difficult period of her life. She always prioritized the health of the players she was responsible for and was only doing her job during the incident on the field.

Source: Twitter, Wikipedia
