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Soucek on the past season and goals for the next one

Tomáš Souček defended his first place in the Golden Ball Czech Republic poll as expected. In the interview he talked about the past season, his Premier League scoring form and revealed his goals for the next year.



As expected, Tomáš Souček defended his first place in the Golden Ball Czech Republic poll. In the interview, he talked about the past season, his goalscoring form in the Premier League and revealed his goals for the next season.

Tomas Soucek can be satisfied with the past season. West Ham went from sixth in the league to the Europa League and the former Slavie player even made it into the top eleven of the English Premier League.

“The season of a lifetime? It’s hard to compare the years. When I was at Slavia, we won the title and managed other things in European Cups. But you can say that now it was probably the season of a lifetime. When you add football, life, everything together. I’m very happy with how it turned out.”

Soucek also broke a number of records. Probably the most important one was scoring more than ten goals in one season. No Czech has ever managed to do that in the Premier League.

“I knew there was a chance to achieve that. It’s a big thing for me as well. But it’s not like I’m focusing on it. Sometimes I think I’m a defensive midfielder and I don’t want to be written about because I haven’t scored in four games and I’m out of form.”

Yet Soucek is a defensive midfielder and his main job is to prevent goals and spoil offensive actions. He scores so many goals that they are already counted.

“I’m still focusing on preventing goals, but I’m getting used to the fact that I need to score goals too. I’ll want to continue or even pick up on those successes in terms of the team and individually. It’s not just about my game, I also try to motivate others and help them.”

And the goal for next season? The stocky midfielder has two. To go as far as possible in the Europa League and to finish in the Top 7 in the Premier League again.

“The motivation is to get as far as possible in the Europa League and to do that playing from the beginning like last season. We made a record in points so it will be difficult to defend or beat that. But I believe it can be done. We will have the same ambition to get to the cups again and be as successful.”

