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He was bothered by the boos at Eden, now Lukaku is asking the Premier League for tougher penalties for racism

Players in the English leagues are getting tired of kneeling before games. The ineffectiveness of this anti-racist gesture is also realised by Romelu Lukaku, who spoke to the club’s TV about the new measures.



Players in the English leagues are getting tired of kneeling before games. The ineffectiveness of this anti-racist gesture is also realised by Romelu Lukaku, who spoke to the club’s television about the new measures.

The islands have struggled with racism in recent years. On football lawns in the form of all players kneeling before the start of a match.

“We should take a stronger stance. Yes, we kneel, but after the game you still hear insults.”

According to the Belgian striker, more should be done to combat racist attacks on social media. And he has even come up with ideas on how the new system could work.

“Players and platforms like Twitter or Instagram should get together. Captains of all teams and big football personalities should meet with the head of Instagram, governments, the football association, the players’ association. They should sit down and discuss it.”

Clubs from England’s top four competitions have already boycotted this spring, shutting down their social networks for three days, but it didn’t help much. On the contrary, many fans were rather annoyed.

“If you want to stop something, you can definitely do it. As players we can say: Yes, let’s boycott social networks. These companies should talk to teams, governments or the players themselves. They need to find a way to stop it, because I really think it’s in their power.”

The stocky hunk isn’t just going to stand by, he’d like to help fight against judgement based on skin colour. We’ll see how that goes.

“I have to fight. I’m not just doing it for myself, but for my son, my future offspring, my family and other players and children, for everyone,” Lukaku concluded.

Source: Chelsea FC
