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Gabriel is heading to Midtjylland! Will Hradec benefit more from the transfer or Sparta, who bought him out and are now negotiating the amount?

An interesting transfer is planned on the route Hradec – Sparta – Midtjylland. Adam Gabriel is heading to Danish Midtjylland and both Czech teams will benefit from it. Why is that and which of the teams will benefit more?



An interesting transfer is planned on the route Hradec – Sparta – Midtjylland. Adam Gabriel is heading to Danish Midtjylland and both Czech teams will benefit from it. Why is that and which of the teams will benefit more?

Twenty-two-year-old Adam Gabriel started his second season in Hradec Kralove, where he arrived last summer from Sparta. The first season was quite successful for him and the start of the new one also found him in good shape.

Gabriel scored once and assisted twice in five games, but he will not make another start in the Votroks jersey. The Danish Midtjylland came with an offer, which meant that Sparta entered the negotiations.

The reason is simple, Gabriel went to Hradec basically for Jan Mejdra, who came the other way. For Mejdra, Sparta should have paid around 13 million crowns plus Gabriel, but they kept the buy-back.

It was in the amount of two million crowns, so when Midtjylland came with an offer, Sparta exercised their right and bought Gabriel. This makes him their player and he can negotiate the transfer amount himself.

At the moment, there is speculation that the amount should be around 20 million crowns and Sparta has to deduct not only the two million for the transfer to Hradec but also a certain percentage of the sale.

For Hradec, this amount will not be staggering and they will definitely feel the loss of Gabriel, but they can be happy for the fact that they made a profit on Gabriel. Both teams benefit from this, Sparta basically paid Mejdr.

Some Sparta fans are asking why the club doesn’t sell one of the current pair and keep Gabriel, but we have to take into account that Mejdr had decent numbers in Hradec and he doesn’t have them in Sparta. Gabriel would probably suffer a similar fate and if there is a decent offer, why not take it.

Source: inFotbal
