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FAČR Chairman Fousek: Superliga is an artificial project, which is oriented only on business revenue

Petr Fousek, president of the Czech Football Association, was recently elected to the UEFA Executive Committee and at a conference in defence of European football he criticised the Super League, which many clubs are still trying to win.



Petr Fousek, president of the Czech Football Association, was recently elected to the UEFA Executive Committee and at a conference in defence of European football he criticised the Super League, which many clubs are still trying to win.

The Czech Republic hosted the conference, titled Defending European Football for All, which was initiated and hosted by the Spanish top competition La Liga.

Petr Fousek, president of the Football Association of the Czech Republic and a member of the UEFA Executive Committee, spoke about the Super League project.

It has been criticised by many and UEFA has been up in arms against it for a long time, although it is very likely that one day the day will come when it will not be resisted and will come into being.

Fousek is also a big critic.”The Superliga is an artificial project that is oriented only towards business revenue. By establishing a superleague, football would lose what makes the current pyramidal system, which is sports-socially oriented, unique.

This has been built up over many years and continues to operate successfully,” he said at the conference, held at the O2 Universum. La Liga president Javier Tebas also spoke at the conference.

“In football you have to think about everyone, not just the elite clubs. Football must continue to stand on solid foundations from the grassroots, as it has done for decades. UEFA is the only one that can avert the threat of Super League.

But national associations and clubs can also play a big role. We need to be heard, every voice can make a difference. The principles of competitiveness and financial sustainability and solidarity must be preserved,he added.

