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Cristiano Ronaldo impressed at the press conference: Coca-Cola? Put it away, drink water

Cristiano Ronaldo is known for his obsession with his lifestyle. It’s what got him this far and at 36 years old, he has a biological age of 23. He is strict to his rules, a bit thrown off by the Coca-Cola present at the press conference.



Cristiano Ronaldo is known for his obsession with his lifestyle. It’s what got him this far and at 36 years old, he has a biological age of 23. He is strict to his rules, a bit thrown off by the Coca-Cola present at the press conference.

Cristiano Ronaldo tries to set an example for young footballers with everything he does. Hard work, discipline, lifestyle, that’s what makes him unique. He doesn’t back down from his ideals, even when it comes to advertising.

Coca-Cola is one of the sponsors of this year’s championship, which is why two bottles of the brand were placed in front of the Portugal captain at the press conference. But Ronaldo didn’t like that at all.

When he sat down, he pushed them out of the shot behind the table, showed a bottle of water and advised.

Lionel Messi is the main face of rival brand Pepsi, but Ronaldo has never lent his face to either company. In his words, he does not want to set a bad example for young children to drink these unhealthy drinks.

After all, they are used to fighting Coca-Cola in the Ronaldo household. “My son is meant to be a footballer, but he’s not there yet. He has to be careful with his diet, he drinks Coca-Cola sometimes, even though he knows I don’t like it,” the Juventus striker said at the Global Soccer Awards.

