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A great story about how Zlatan Ibrahimovic hitched a ride on someone else’s scooter on the highway. What made him do it?

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a football icon and above all a very controversial footballer who is hated by some and loved by the rest. In his latest book, he described a hilarious situation where he was forced to hitch a ride on a scooter on the motorway.



Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a football icon and above all a very controversial footballer who is hated by some and loved by the rest. In his latest book, he described a hilarious situation where he was forced to hitch a ride on a scooter on the motorway.

Everyone knows Zlatan’s famous statements. His very distinctive way of expressing himself is exactly why you either adore him or you are one of the other half who can’t think of a name for him.

Whichever side you’re on, one thing’s for sure. Ibrahimovic is an incredible hard worker and one of the best footballers in history.

In his latest book, he tells a lot of stories that many of us didn’t even know about. Before returning to AC Milan, he was almost contracted to Napoli.

You can read why the transfer fell through and how important he was in Milan’s title quest despite hardly playing, in our earlier article.

How Zlatan hitched his scooter on the motorway

Last year, the legendary Swede was invited to co-present the Italian Music Awards. Ibrahimovic, of course, was not daunted by the challenge and decided to try something he had never experienced before. After training, he set off for the event by minibus and, above all, with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately for him, there was an accident on the motorway. Zlatan was stuck in traffic.

After two long hours, the situation did not improve. Time was running out and stress was mounting. Ibrahimovic pleaded with the festival organisers for a police escort, but to no avail.

After six hours, he could stand it no longer. He told his assistant to lend him a jacket and follow him on the sat nav. He got out of the minibus and hitched a ride on a passing scooter.

The driver, of course, recognized him immediately and was ecstatic. Zlatan asked the rider to take him to Sanremo. He borrowed a helmet and they hit the road. The AC Milan striker filmed the journey because, in his words, no one would believe him.

The Swedish football legend even pleaded for a while to drive, but unsuccessfully. To his delight, he finally managed to arrive on time.

He later told the driver that his assistants would give him anything he wanted as a token of gratitude. He was modest, however, and contented himself with a photo together.

Source: Zlatan Ibrahimovic – Adrenalin
