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Kevin De Bruyne is back in the Manchester City squad after injury! See how he was welcomed by his teammates

The Belgian is back in the squad to the delight of all Citizens fans. He fully joined the training process with the team on Monday at the current Club World Cup in Saudi Arabia.



Kevin De Bruyne is back in the squad to the delight of all Citizens fans. He fully joined the training process with the team on Monday at the current Club World Cup in Saudi Arabia.

De Bruyne is now an iconic player, captain and a big personality not only in the blue part of Manchester. Before the enforced break, he played practically every game until the aforementioned stoppage came.

The midfielder and coach Pep Guardiola‘s favourite was out of action for more than half a year after failing to play one of the most important duels in Manchester City’s history – the Champions League final. The English side outplayed Inter Milan and finally won the millionaire competition with a close 1-0 victory.

De Bruyne left the field after only 36 minutes, but it was a nasty facial injury. The main setback came in the opening round of this year’s Premier League against Burnley, where he injured his hamstring. The incident was so serious that the midfielder had to undergo surgery.

De Bruyne is back in training

However, after a long break, one of the Citizens’ main stars is back in training and has earned a token welcome from his teammates.

With his successful recovery, foreign journalists expected De Bruyne to at least be on the substitutes’ bench for the semi-final clash at this year’s Club World Cup against Japan’s Urawa, but the Belgian remains out of the roster along with teammates Doku and Haaland.

Not only for coach Pep Guardiola, the midfielder’s return is extremely important, as his absence was more than evident in City’s display at least a couple of months back. His accurate balls behind the defence were particularly missed by the Norwegian striker.

Haaland is also slowly making a comeback after a relatively short break. In his case, the problem is again a fatigue reaction in his ankle, which causes swelling and sometimes even bruising. That injury can develop into a more serious stress fracture if he returns to action quickly. Despite this, Nor traveled with the club to Saudi Arabia.

The defending champion of last year’s Club World Cup is Real Madrid, and the Citizens can claim the title for the first time in the club’s history.

Source: X, Reuters, The Standard
