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Youth forward! Which teams in Europe have the youngest squads?

It is undoubtedly necessary to have experienced players in the squad who can handle pressure in tense situations, but there are also coaches who are not afraid to build their team’s game on young players and bet on their bravery, passion and boldness. Which of the teams in the top 5 European leagues has the lowest average age?



It is undoubtedly necessary to have experienced players in the squad who can handle the pressure in tense situations, but there are also coaches who are not afraid to build their team’s game on young players and bet on their bravery, passion and boldness. Which of the teams in the top 5 European leagues has the lowest average age?

10. AC Milan

Although the club from San Siro is not doing too well in the Champions League, it’s a different story in the domestic competition. In eight league games played, it has 22 points from seven wins and one draw, with an average age of 25.01. Moreover, Ibrahimovic and Giroud are doing their best to move that average up.

9. Stade Reims

Reims are currently 15th in the French Ligue 1, but it should be noted that they are five points ahead of the relegation zone, which is now occupied by Méty, Brest and St. Etienne. Coach Oscar’s charges have an average age of 24.85 years.

8. Stade Brest

Another unit from the land of the Gallic cockerel has not only a lower average age of players, but also the number of points accumulated in this year’s edition of the French top competition.

With five points after ten rounds played, they are in the penultimate 19th position and if they want to think about salvation, they need to improve their performance rapidly. The average age of Brest players is 24.79.

7. Spezia Calcio

The Aquilotti are rather struggling in terms of results, but in their last Serie A match they managed to beat Salernitana 2-1. However, this does not change the fact that after eight Italian league games they have 7 points, which separates them from the relegation zone by only two points. The average age of a player at Spezia is 24.79, the same as at Stade Brest.

6. Arsenal

The only representative from the Premier League in the top ten youngest teams is the club from the Emirates Stadium. The manager Mikel Arteta and his charges didn’t start the current season very well, but in the last five games they managed to rise to a couple of slim victories, thanks to which they are in 12th place in the table.

5. Bayer Leverkusen

Coach Gerardo Seoane must be really enjoying his players’ league ride through Germany so far. The Haaland-Lewandowski duo are relatively kept in check by Patrik Schick, and in terms of points Leverkusen are still trailing leaders Bayern.

Looking at the table and the age average, which is 24.75, it is clear that if they stay together, this team can still shuffle the Bundesliga cards properly.

4. VfB Stuttgart

Die Schwaben have been alternating good performances with worse ones so far, and during the competition so far they have captured 9 points in the Bundesliga for two wins, three draws and the same number of losses. The average age of the wards of the American coach Matarazzo Pellegrino is 24.72 years.

3. FC Empoli

At the Stadio Carlo Castellani, the home side are so far in the quiet middle of the table, specifically in eleventh place with nine points. The newcomer to the competition is probably enjoying the provisional league run, after all, they were only promoted from Serie B last year. Moreover, with an average age of 24.71 years, Empoli’s squad for the future is definitely interesting.

2. Olympique Marseille

Marseille definitely has a very interesting young squad. After the Ligue 1 run so far, they occupy third place and their ambitions are definitely the highest. The average age of coach Sampaoli’s charges is 24.7 years old and with players like Guendouzi or Payet they can even think about beating the giant PSG.

1. AS Monaco

AS Monaco boasts the youngest squad of the top 5 European leagues. A squad with names like Fabregas, Volland or Martins has a lot of potential. Young Tchouameni is being talked about a lot at the moment, he’s definitely one to watch. The average age is 24.47 years.

Source: Transfermarkt
