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Europa League

The children were not racist on Letná! How do Czech fans react to UEFA’s decision?

Friday’s UEFA statement made Sparta Prague very happy, but also the Czech football public. Czech children watching the Europa League match between Sparta and Rangers FC faced a harsh accusation that branded them racists. Now everything has been erased!



Friday’s UEFA statement made Sparta Prague very happy, but also the Czech football public. Czech children watching the Europa League match between Sparta and Rangers FC faced a harsh accusation that branded them racists. Now everything has been erased!

The verdict is also being noticed by the British media and the comments are rife with Czech fans making it clear in English what they think of the whole affair.

On the other hand, the number of aggressors commenting from Rangers FC fans has decreased considerably! What are the Czech fans saying and how are they reacting to the decision?

Some of the commentators have even called for an apology from Scottish champion and lawyer Glen Kamara. An apology would certainly be in order, but more than likely it will not be forthcoming.

Fan reaction

“Justice has been served! Anwar is a dangerous man who creates hatred. Gerrard again tried to deflect attention after losing a game to another Czech team. Kamara is not the bad guy in this story, even though he is perceived as such in CR. He should just change lawyers,” one Czech fan commented in broken English.

“It was clear to everyone who saw the match. Kamara did not face hatred because of his skin colour, so it was not racism. Now an apology should come from both the Rangers FC manager and Aamer Anwar,” wrote another.

“Good sign. It shows there is still hope for Europe,” another commented on the fair verdict.

“Hello Anwar and Rangers FC, where is your apology?” asked another. His tweet garnered over 40 positive responses.

Source: The Athletic UK
