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Young boys infused us with new blood, says Mařík, captain of the champions



It took him four years to be reminded again how satisfying it feels to lift the cup for the champions of the Super League of small football. Stanislav Mařík was the captain of Staropramen Prague in the last title in the 2017/2018 season, and on Saturday in Boskovice he was happy again. Staropramen Prague won the men’s Superfinal against the defending champions from Brno, winning 3:2 after penalty kicks. “When I was on the road, the boys were already here, so I was given the task of some shopping for the bus. I took care of it and I think it’s going to be a long journey,” rejoiced the captain of the Czech national team Mařík immediately after winning the trophy.

How did you see the chances before the Super Final with Brno?

Even when I came here I felt it would be good because we played well in the season, we didn’t lose once. I thought we had what it takes to beat Brno. We had somehow fulfilled that because we said before the season that it would be nice to play for medals, but when we came to Boskovice I believed in the strength of our team. Our performances have been building all season, we really played well. I think we deservedly won the match.

Daniel Zížala’s equaliser in the 49th minute to 2:2 gave you a boost, was it a key moment?

Brno was leading 1:0, but we quickly equalized, which was great. When they scored 2:1, we kept believing, we kept playing as well as we did and I think the boys from Brno ran out of breath a little bit. As we tried to keep playing, it was uncomfortable for them and the goal to Zizia was a reward for the work we did.

Brno started well in the penalty shootout, but Jakub Dobšíček failed. Did you believe it would turn out well?

I’ve had a few penalties and I always hope when it’s done, so I thought we had to go penalty by penalty and try to convert them all. Luckily it worked and I’m really happy that Jelen (Tomas Jelinek – ed.) made the decision because he deserved it for the way he plays and the kind of guy he is.

Before your penalty, your teammate Dominik Kunický went into the Brno goal and you said something to each other. Did he try to upset you?

(Laughs) Kuňa knows me, so he came at me and told me he knew where I was going to kick it. But the goal is so close that even if the goalkeeper knows where and you put it well, it’s usually a goal.

So you didn’t change your positioning at the last minute?

I kicked as I’m used to. The only time I changed it was in the European Championship final in Brno and I didn’t score. Since then, when I decide, I go there to kick.

Before the season Staropramen Praha changed the squad significantly, at thirty-two years old you are one of the oldest players in it. How is it to play with such a young team?

It’s great. The young guys who came in, whether it’s Ziza, Rosi (Tomáš Rossmann – ed.), Jindra Novotný, Lukáš Vít, I don’t want to forget anyone, they gave us such new blood and added young bravery. We definitely needed it and I am very happy that the boys can taste this parade and win the Super League title in the first season.

Nobody else has won the Super League of small football than Prague and Brno, will you be doing it again next year?

If we’re in the final again next year, I’ll be happy and I don’t care with whom. (smile) Brno and we were probably one of the best the Superliga had to offer this season, we were deservedly in the final. We’ll see how it goes next year, if it’s the same I won’t be angry.

Staropramen Praha played Superfinals in all six categories and won five, so you have a lot of potential in the youth, what do you think?

I definitely have to thank Venc Socher and Mira Vostatek for that, they took care of it and put everything together. Nobody can imagine how much work was behind it, a big thanks to them that we were so successful.

Author: Jaroslav Kára
