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Yira Sor is attracting a lot of attention! What reactions are his European qualities arousing?

Yira Sor is set to become the next African prodigy in Eden. Slavia managed to do it once before with Abdallah Sima, but who believed that in less than a year’s time we would be able to do it again in the Czech Republic? Few would have bet on it, but the group around Jindřich Trpišovský obviously has tools and skills of a different calibre.



Yira Sor is set to become the next African prodigy in Eden. Slavia managed to do it once before with Abdallah Sima, but who believed that in less than a year’s time we would be able to do it again in the Czech Republic? Few would have bet on it, but the group around Jindřich Trpišovský obviously has tools and skills of a different calibre.

Perhaps Yira Sor would have similarly blossomed at Baník or Sparta. Maybe so, but quite possibly not, it is important to mention that in Baník Ostrava the quick-footed Nigerian was starting on the edge of the pitch.

His biggest weakness was centres, thanks to the transformation he underwent at Slavia this weakness was completely eliminated. The Sešiovans have adapted their game to the 21-year-old’s strengths and so far it’s paying off.

For Sparta and Tomas Rosicky, Yira Sor was unacceptably expensive. Now the 30 million crowns figure seems adequate at the very least, but judging by the court we have to say rather ridiculously low. If Sor maintains his current form or can make further strides in his performance, Slavia will sell him at a hefty premium.

The fast-footed ex-banana player scored two goals against LASK Linz and could have added two more at the very least. Anyway, the final tally means that in three games played in the Conference Europa League he already has four goals and one assist, which are very solid numbers.

Sor is certainly an exceptional player, but a lot of the credit for what the Czech football public is celebrating goes to the Sešiovans’ management team. They managed to adapt the talented Nigerian incredibly quickly and also integrated him into the lineup effectively.

Would another Czech team have done it this perfectly? This is just a hypothetical idea that everyone has to evaluate for themselves.

Public reaction to Yira Sora’s performance

The European qualities of the agile and quick Yira Sora are noticed by the Czech football public, but also by German football connoisseurs or the Nigerian media.

Even a Sparta supporter has acknowledged Sora’s quality, sharing an interesting theory about his Sparta career on the social network Twitter. Do you agree or not? There might be something to it don’t you think?

“Once a player of Baník Ostrava, always a player of Baník Ostrava! Yira Sor is developing well in Slavia Prague! I send my greetings (from a German fan of Banik Ostrava).”

“Yira Sor reminds me a lot of Sadio Mané.”

Sources: ČT Sport, Jan Podroužek, Michal Kvasnica, Jiří Šípek, ShadowWulf
