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Why did Teixeira tap out? It was already black in my eyes. If I hadn’t tapped out, I would have fallen asleep, he said about the fight with Prochazka

Glover Teixeira’s fight with Jiri Prochazka is also being talked about a week away. The Brazilian has now explained why he tapped out half a minute before winning the fight and losing his UFC championship. The reason is simple, Prochazka simply did everything the way he was supposed to.



Glover Teixeira’s fight with Jiri Prochazka is also being talked about a week away. The Brazilian has now explained why he tapped out half a minute before winning the fight and losing his UFC championship. The reason is simple, Prochazka simply did everything the way he was supposed to.

Jiri Prochazka has been the UFC welterweight champion for a week now. Now there is talk of challengers, even Glover Teixeira himself would like a rematch.

But that’s not likely to happen now, others are next. Teixeira tapped out, so there’s no doubt who should have won the fight. Why did he do it even though he wasn’t perfectly caught by Prochazka?

“I’ve seen reactions that wondered about the fact that I knocked it away when supposedly Procházka only caught it with his hands but didn’t have hooks stuck in his legs. They said why was I knocking? Well, I was knocking. Because I had no way to escape.

I was fucking desperate. But I stayed on the ground for a while after I knocked, because my eyes were already black. If I hadn’t knocked, I would have fallen asleep. I was well on my way to that. Not knocking wouldn’t have made any difference,” he said in an interview with Combate.

He then added that he dominated the entire fight on the ground and often in his stance, which is a strong point of his Czech humiliator. However, the outcome of the match is no longer in doubt.

Teixeira lost on a submission for the first time in his career, something few would have expected before the fight. But that’s what makes MMA such a popular sport.

Source: MMA Shorties, Combate
