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While Ronhaar dodged the geese, Izerbyt triumphed in the World Cup in Flamanville

In the Flamanville World Cup, Pim Ronhaar experienced a thrill-filled bike race when he collided dangerously with the course fencing and nearly collided with a flock of geese. Despite this dramatic event, he managed to walk away without injury, both to himself and the birds. Unfortunately, however, he lost his lead in the race and one place in the World Cup.



In the Flamanville World Cup, Pim Ronhaar experienced a thrill-filled bike race when he collided dangerously with the course fencing and nearly collided with a flock of geese. Despite this dramatic event, he managed to walk away unharmed, both for himself and the birds. Unfortunately, however, he lost his lead in the race and one place in the World Cup.

The twenty-two-year-old Baloise Trek Lions team member had built up a solo lead of 14 seconds over his pursuers, which included World Cup leader Eli Iserbyt (Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal) and Ronhaar’s teammate Lars van der Haar.

The latter held third place in the overall series standings behind Ronhaar. However, with three laps to go, Ronhaar began to lose grip on the slippery mud and subsequently his lead. Despite Iserbyt dominating the race, Ronhaar managed to take third place.

“Every lap I was setting great times, 8:35 minutes. I didn’t feel the best, but I kept my pace high. When I noticed that Eli Iserbyt was struggling at the start, I decided to put pressure on him.

Unfortunately, he passed me with three laps to go and I tried to keep up with him, but I was exhausted,” Ronhaar said after the race. Ronhaar’s rhythm was not only disrupted by the collision with the fence, but also by the sight of three geese that seemed to have strayed from a nearby lake.

Although he may have impulsively shouted “foul” at this near-collision when one of the geese decided to enter the race area, he later just laughed at the whole incident. It was only on the fifth lap of seven that Iserbyt managed to overtake Ronhaar in a wide left-hander.

Ronhaar touched the track fence, causing him to slide sideways. Iserbyt immediately took advantage of the situation and went around Ronhaar on the inside to take the lead. Ronhaar, who met one of the geese for the second time, had to quickly get on his bike and start chasing the other riders in front of him.

Iserbyt eventually claimed victory in the sixth round of the series in Flamanville, significantly increasing his lead in the overall World Cup standings. Van der Haar took second place, which moved him up one position in the World Cup standings and pushed Ronhaar into third place overall.

Source: UCI

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