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When will we see Peseta back in the cage? I’m taking my time with the return so I don’t have long-term consequences, he said

When Viktor Pesta signed for the Polish KSW organization, it was clear that he would be the biggest draw at the tournament in Liberec. But the Czech fighter had to withdraw because of a coronavirus, after which he was criticized by his opponent. He has now returned to the moment and outlined when we can look forward to seeing him in the cage again.



When Viktor Pesta signed for the Polish KSW organization, it was clear that he would be the biggest draw at the tournament in Liberec. But the Czech fighter had to withdraw because of a coronavirus, after which he was criticized by his opponent. He has now returned to the moment and outlined when we can look forward to seeing him in the cage again.

After finishing in the PFL, Viktor Peshta considered his future and eventually chose KSW in Poland, where we can look forward to some serious stuff from him.

He was first supposed to appear in Liberec, but illness prevented him from starting against Daniel Omielanczuk. The Pole didn’t like it, he claimed that he was simulating, but you simply can’t fight with coronavirus.

“When I returned to training, my performance was halfway through. The coaches also advised me to give it up, that I was not in shape. Fortunately, KSW didn’t put any pressure on me.

I said I had the coronavirus and everything was fine. Now I want to take my time to get over it and when I’m in full form I’ll come back to wrestling,” said Peshta in an interview with Mixx Sports Media.

The last time we saw him in the cage was last summer when he lost in the first round to Rob Wilkinson in the PFL. However, his early return is still not an actual thing.

“I’m doing well, but obviously I’m frustrated that I haven’t fought for a while. My last fight got cancelled because I got the coronavirus. Now I’m getting back into shape again. I have to admit it has left some effects on me.

I’m still dealing with it a little bit. I’ve had blood tests and it still doesn’t look quite right. I’m taking my time with my comeback because I’d rather take a little more time than have long-term effects afterwards, ” he added.

So we won’t see Pest in the cage in the first half of 2023. Hopefully, though, KSW will set up a dream rematch with Michal Martinek for the future.

Source: Mixx Sports Media, MMA Shorties
