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Europa League

What is the situation with Sparta and its chances for promotion? It still has everything in its hands, but…

Sparta scored two expected defeats against strong Lyon in the Europa League. Any points against the French opponent would be a minor miracle. So where do Sparta’s chances of promotion stand now?



Sparta scored two expected defeats against strong Lyon in the Europa League. Any points against the French opponent would be a minor miracle. So where do Sparta’s chances of promotion stand now?

The fact that Rangers only drew 1-1 at Brondby in a simultaneous match helped Letná a lot. If the Scots had won the game, they would have been two points ahead of Sparta.

At the moment the table situation is as follows:

In the current constellation, the Spartans still have everything in their hands. She only needs to win the next two games against Rangers and Brondby and does not have to look at the results of the other duels.

In the event of a draw against Rangers and a win against Brondby, even this combination will be enough for her to progress.

However, if she loses at Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow, she will be in big trouble. Rangers would have 7 points, Sparta would still have 4.

However, in the event of a Rangers defeat to Lyon, the match would be even and Sparta have a noticeably worse record than Rangers at the moment. If the Flyers don’t make amends with Brondby, it would mean relegation to third place. Moreover, Lyon are now assured of promotion from first place and can be expected to spare the main stars in the last game. Thus, a Rangers point gain from France is not out of the question.

No matter what happens, Sparta cannot afford to lose to Rangers at any cost. They must bring at least a draw from Scotland and then they can settle it in the last round at home to Brondby.

If they come back from Glasgow empty handed it will mean big complications. Not unsolvable, but not at all pleasant.

Source: Livesport
