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Watch the UFC heavyweight champion having his morning coffee! Ngannou entertained the fans

Although the UFC heavyweight situation looks all over the place, the reigning champion is still Francis Ngannou. He’s been destroying one opponent after another lately and now he’s scoring on social media as well.



Although the UFC heavyweight situation looks all over the place, the reigning champion is still Francis Ngannou. He’s been destroying one opponent after another lately and now he’s scoring on social media as well.

Francis Ngannou is a man who should definitely be made into a feature film at some point. He may now be the UFC heavyweight champion, but even more remarkable than that fact is the way in which he arrived at that title.

He grew up in poverty, working in a sand quarry in Cameroon from the age of 12, where he was forced to pound the hardened sand under inhumane conditions until he was separated.

No wonder then that he decided to emigrate at the age of 22. He went from country to country until he was arrested in Spain for entering the country illegally. He then made his way to France, where he was homeless for a while. His dream of becoming a wrestler kept him alive.

He wanted to be a boxer, but in training he found that MMA was more lucrative and as you can see it was an excellent move. Is it safe to say that Ngannou is now the baddest man on the planet and to stand up to him? That takes some serious guts.

But influencer Rashed Saif Belhasa tried to disrupt the champion’s morning coffee sipping. Not that he succeeded, though. Judge for yourself.

The video has already been seen by nearly 2 million people and is garnering mostly positive reactions. Several UFC stars and combat sports fans have left comments. This is exactly how the baddest man on the planet is supposed to look!

However, it would be interesting if the little influencer is replaced by one of Ngannou’s weight division rivals.

Source:: Instagram | Francis Ngannou
