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Champions League

Vinícius: Leaving Real? I wish I could sign a contract for life in Madrid

In Vinícius Junior, Real Madrid fans have a treasure. Not only is he a great young footballer, but he is also a heartthrob and a great Madrid player, which he proves every game. And he confirmed it in his post-match interview.



In Vinícius Junior, Real Madrid fans have a treasure. Not only is he a great young footballer, but he is also a heartthrob and a great Madrid player, which he proves every game. And he confirmed it in his post-match interview.

When Vinícius arrived in Madrid in 2018 as a 17-year-old, he didn’t have it easy at all. A sum of 45 million euros predisposed him to great performances, the young Brazilian showed great potential, but at the beginning he did not fulfill it.

He was given quite a bit of space by coach Zinedine Zidane and hinted at his greatness in the dribble, however, he was hugely let down by the final phase. Vinícius was reckless in the whitewash, handled situations badly, did not score goals, wasted chances and at one point some Real fans even called for his departure.

But then Carlo Ancelotti came in and everything turned for the better. The Italian coach trained with Vinícius to be calm in finishing, he wanted him to play with less touches in the whitewash and ideally finish from the first, maximum from the second touch. And it bore fruit.

The record of Vinícius in the first three seasons of La Liga – 2+0, 3+1, 3+3. And last season? 17+10, 22+16 overall with all competitions. A huge increase.

He’s continued that in the current season, with 9 goals and 6 assists so far in La Liga, a 3+2 record in the Copa del Rey, and 6 goals and 5 assists racked up in the Champions League. In total, he is thus on 18 goals and 13 assists.

Recently, however, he has often been the target of racist insults and general abuse in Spain. As a result, there has been talk of whether he would rather choose to leave for another country. But Vinícius has firmly put a stop to that.

He is currently in contract extension talks and was also asked about it by reporters after the game. “What about a contract extension? Is it close to signing? Do you want to stay at Real?”

“I wish I could sign a contract for life in Madrid,” was the eloquent reply of Vinícius Junior.

Source: El Chirinquito
