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VIDEO: Nasty footage from the first slapping tournament hosted by the UFC boss! Power Slap faces huge criticism from MMA stars too

Slapping is a modern phenomenon. So much so, in fact, that it caught the attention of UFC boss Dana White, who decided to start and help lead a new organization called Power Slap. It’s in its first tournament and facing huge criticism. Even from MMA stars.



Slapping is a modern phenomenon. So much so, in fact, that it caught the attention of UFC boss Dana White, who decided to start and help lead a new organization called Power Slap. It’s in its first tournament and facing huge criticism. Even from MMA stars.

A new era? Quite possibly. Dana White, who is known as the head of the biggest MMA organization in the world, has decided to help a new sport rise to prominence. Slapped. A new organization, Power Slap, has been formed with specific and clear rules.

It was clear that everything would not be fabulous and that this “sport” would face a lot of criticism. White, however, reassured that all tournament participants would be taken care of medically.

But the Power Slap has now had its first tournament and the footage has taken the social media world by storm. And the praise has been overwhelming? Oh, no. On the contrary.

One of the shots scared NFL star Stefon Diggs, who is a wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills. He also came up with the crucial question: “Is this really a sport?”

And who would have thought that at least combat sports enthusiasts would be sympathetic and appreciative of this “show” could be wrong. Of course, we can’t speak for all fans, but some of the MMA stars are clear about slapping.

UFC lightweight fighter Matt Frevola, for example, believes that the money White has invested in “this Power Slap s**t” could have easily gone towards improving the UFC’s reputation and the overall enhancement of not only the brand, but the product as a whole.

Former UFC fighter Ben Askren doesn’t see the appeal in slapping either. According to him, you have to be a sadist to be attracted to something like this.

According to another former UFC fighter Brendan Schaub, it is the “most staid sr**k” he has ever seen. And the fact that she’s associated with the UFC is said to set MMA back 10 years.

Source: Power Slap, Twitter
