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VIDEO: Kyrgios spat in the direction of the spectator and the penalty did not pass him by. He has to pay a hefty fine

The stormtrooper Nick Kyrgios has gotten into another trouble and another penalty. This time he got it after he spat towards a spectator during his match in the second round of Wimbledon.



The stormtrooper Nick Kyrgios has gotten into another trouble and another penalty. This time he received it after he spat towards a spectator during his match in the first round of Wimbledon.

Nick Kyrgios is through to the third round of Wimbledon and faces a tough match against Stefanos Tsitsipas. However, his joy is spoiled by a penalty for his behaviour in the first round.

Right at the beginning of the most famous tournament he faced the home player Paul Jubb, whom he defeated in a five-set battle 3: 6, 6: 1, 7: 5, 6: 7 and 7: 5. And what did he actually do? When the match was over and Kyrgios went to shake hands with his opponent, he spat towards the crowd.

His behaviour, however, was clearly symbolic of one of the spectators, whom the famous stormtrooper had already complained about during the match. He even demanded that he be escorted out of the stands, but this did not happen.

“Yes. When I won the fight, I turned on him… I’ve had to deal with hate and negativity for too long, so I don’t feel like I owe this guy anything,” Kyrgios was heard saying after the fight.

Kyrgios also believed that he had done nothing wrong and therefore believed that he would miss any punishment. But the opposite was true.

The Australian tennis player was fined. He has to pay $10,000, roughly 237,000 crowns. Although this is a large sum, he had to pay even more ($25,000 and $35,000) for throwing and destroying rackets and vulgarity at the tournaments in Indian Wells and Miami in March.

Source: Twitter, Wimbledon, UbiTennis
