Unpleasant start of Oktagon in Germany? 9 fighters failed to meet the weight limit on their first attempt
The big premiere. OKTAGON 33 is the first tournament of the largest Czechoslovak organization to be held abroad. Everything looked and looks perfect. Except for Friday’s weigh-in. Nine fighters failed to make their weight limit on their first attempt.
The big premiere. OKTAGON 33 is the first tournament of the largest Czechoslovak organization to be held abroad. Everything looked and looks perfect. Except for Friday’s weigh-in. Nine fighters failed to make their weight limit on their first attempt.
It’s going to be spectacular. In Germany, the talk of Oktagon’s entry into the local market is nothing but positive, superlatives are not uncommon. The Frankfurt tournament is considered the biggest MMA event in Germany ever. It’s even being promoted above the UFC tournament.
However, a great event in the making got its first crack at Friday morning’s weigh-ins. In fact, quite a few of the fighters struggled to make the required weight limit on their first attempt.
Most of the fighters, however, should eventually make weight successfully thanks to the additional time to make weight. Scheck overweighed by 0.45 kilograms, Cordero was supposed to make the weight of 77.6 kg, but weighed 77.65.
Jaroslav “Jubox” Pokorný did not weigh in either, he overweighted by 0,5 kg, his opponent Vila also did not meet the weight, when he weighed 66,35 kg against 66,3 required.
Zdeněk Polívka’s opponent Cheikh Kone weighed 1.6 kg more than the previous fighters, so it will be much harder for him to meet the limit. Kartal is in a similar position, who overweighted by 1.4 kg.
Oliveira and Pütz will also have a lot of problems to lose weight and not lose money. The former outweighed the latter by 2.3 kg, the latter by 1.8 kg.
Losene Keita, the interim champion and title challenger of Ivan Buchinger, also took a risk. The participant of the main match did not weigh 0,20 kg. However, he made the weight in the additional time. If he had not done so, he could not have won the title.
Stars like Karlos Vémola and Buchinger made the weight with absolute ease.
And how did the second attempts turn out?
Source: Octagon MMA