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Uncertainty in the Spartan goal. Holec takes criticism for goal against Viking

There has been a lot of uncertainty in the Spartan goal since the end of Florin Nita. During the spring, Dominik Holec and Milan Heča were in goal, but neither of them looked very confident. Holec started the new season and again not very confidently.



There has been a lot of uncertainty in the Spartan goal since the end of Florin Nita. During the spring, Dominik Holec and Milan Heča were in goal, but neither of them looked very confident. Holec started the new season and again not very confidently.

Sparta started the rematch against Stavanger actively and went for the leading goal. It finally came in the 42nd minute when Zelený scored after a centre from Pesek.

However, the lead of Letná didn’t last long. Just three minutes later Vevatne equalised and it was a rather cheap goal.

A few metres behind the whitewash, he got the ball and fired a shot exactly towards the bar, but it was not a catchable shot. Holec, however, just stood still and looked back for the ball.

the 28-year-old goalkeeper came under a lot of criticism. And it was not the first uncertain moment in the match, earlier the centred ball fell through his hands and it is a wonder that it did not end up in the net.

“Holec is not a sure goalkeeper. I bite my nails every time the ball comes at him…,” wrote a Sparta fan on Twitter. “That Holec is crazy… he didn’t do anything today,” added another.

Since the end of Florin Nita, Sparta has been unsure in goal. Dominik Holec has kept his position as the number one even after the arrival of the new coach, but his start was not ideal.

Source: Conference League, UEFA, Twitter
