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Tiger Woods is back! He and his son will challenge Peter Korda and the world number one

For many months, little was heard about Tiger Woods’ health until he picked up a club again a few weeks ago to take to the practice tee for the first time since his February car accident. This picture made a large group of golf fans happy. And they can look forward to more, because they have something to look forward to!



For many months, little was heard about Tiger Woods’ health until he picked up a club again a few weeks ago to take to the practice tee for the first time since his February car accident. This picture made a large group of golf fans happy. And they can look forward to more, because they have something to look forward to!

Perhaps the question in recent weeks has been not when, but if the former world number one will ever return to the course. Certainly don’t expect Tiger to appear at a top PGA Tour tournament in the coming months.

Although most people consider it a miracle that he even survived a bad car accident ten months ago, it is still a big surprise that he didn’t lose his leg.

In an interview with GolfDigest magazine, he admitted how aware he is of the effects of his injury. While he believes he could return to the PGA circuit at some point, he still thinks it would only be partial. He would probably only pick up a few tournaments, but he no longer envisions being a full-time professional golfer.

I don’t have to compete and fight against the best players in the world to have a great life,” Woods admitted in an interview. Plus, this isn’t the first time he’s tried to get back on the course.

“I hadto climb Mt. Everest one more time after my back fusion surgery. I had to and I made it. But this time I don’t think I’ll have the body condition to climb Mt. Everest again. But that’s okay,” Tiger said candidly about his future.


One thing the famous golfer knows: “I still have a long way to go.” Still, in the second half of December he will take to the course for the first time since his injury. On 18 and 19 December, he will play in an exhibition tournament where the world’s greatest aces will compete alongside their children or close family members.

As in the past, Tiger will take part in the PNC Championship event, where he will play alongside his 12-year-old son Chalie.

The tournament will also be interesting from a Czech fan’s perspective as Team Korda will also be participating. World number one Nelly Kordova will play alongside her dad Petr, a Czech tennis legend who has never appeared at such a major event.

Source: Golf Extra
