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The war in Ukraine reports its first sporting casualties. The fighting killed the top scorer of the second league and a young biathlete

The war in Ukraine, instigated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, has already claimed several lives. Now, the lives of three young Ukrainian athletes have been needlessly snuffed out.



The war in Ukraine, instigated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, has already claimed several lives. Now, the lives of three young Ukrainian athletes have been needlessly snuffed out.

It is incredible how quickly life changes. Just a few days ago, these athletes were concentrating on their performances and looking forward to a bright future. But unfortunately, they are no longer thinking about that, as they have been killed in the war in Ukraine.

Completely unnecessarily and only because of the brain-damaged psychopathic President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The Russian President is taking not only the future of the Ukrainians, but also human lives.

The first news to come out of Ukraine was the deaths of Vitaly Sapil and Dmytry Martynenko. 21-year-old Vitaly defended his country with his own hands and was killed in the fighting near Kiev. Martynenko, the top scorer of the second Ukrainian league, was killed together with his mother when a bomb detonated near their building by Russian troops.

Unfortunately, there was a third tragic news from the sports industry. The biggest battles are underway near Kharkiv, and the Ukrainians are doing everything they can to defend the country’s second largest city. So did 19-year-old biathlete Eugene Malyshev, who gave his life fighting for Ukraine.

All three are heroes who deserve great admiration. Honour their memory.

Source: Twitter, Bee Sports
