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The Ultras Sur case: why is Real Madrid’s radical boiler banned from the stadium?

Real Madrid’s loudest fans, who can create the best atmosphere, regularly spend matches outside the stadium, as Ultras Sur are banned from the Santiago Bernabéu. Why is that?



Real Madrid’s loudest fans, who can create the best atmosphere, regularly spend matches outside the stadium, as Ultras Sur are banned from the Santiago Bernabéu. Why is that?

All Los Blancos fans know that the home team’s cauldron at the Bernabéu is located in the southern corner, the so-called “Fondo sur”. But the difference is who is in these places.
The ultras are a type of fanbase known for their fanatical and unceasingly vocal support.

The name originated in Italy and many European clubs have their Ultras who are responsible for the intimidating atmosphere at home. So why doesn’t Real Madrid, the biggest club of them all, have their Ultras in the stadium?

The problem is that Ultras Sur is a very troublesome group. They were founded in 1980 by Jose Luis Ochaita. Ultras Sur are very political and take their inspiration from the Spanish leader Francisco Franco. He despised all Catalans, Basques and Galicians, as well as women and political opponents.

In short, Ultras Sur is (or was) a group full of racists, Nazis and skinheads. Furthermore, the Sur prided themselves on their hatred of Jews, homosexuals and transvestites.

And of course this caused huge problems for the club. The biggest club in the world, which prides itself on its elegance and Grandesa (greatness), had Ultras in the stands who displayed flags with Nazi symbols, racially abused black players from the opposing team and created hatred for all opponents.

Shame and fines

Countless fines, worldwide disgrace and a media hunt, all of which the club had to deal with because of its Ultras. The inconsistency of the reprehensible values of Ultras Sur and the Royal Club came to a point where in 2014, President Florentino Pérez took a radical and shocking step. He banned Ultras Sur from the Santiago Bernabéu.

It was a commendable solution in terms of the club’s values, but the atmosphere in the stadiums suffered extremely. For all Ultras Sur’s ills, their cheers and the atmosphere they created was of the best standard in Spain.

After the Ultras Sur were banned from the stadium, they declared war on Pérez. They continually called for his resignation and took the step of rejecting any future reconciliation. They decided to vandalise and paint Pérez’s house and the grave of the president’s late wife. After this disgusting act, Pérez was to vow that Ultras Sur would never see Santiago Bernabéu again.

The new cauldron

But what about the atmosphere that had suffered so much at home games? “Real Madrid would like to reorganise the southern sector of the Santiago Bernabéu. Please send your request to the groups that want to be part of the Grada de Animación.”

Grada de Animación, that’s the name of Real Madrid’s current cauldron. Pérez wanted to create “El muro blanco,” a white wall, another difference from Ultras Sur. After all, their supporters profess the color black, often with their emblems. But the president of Los Blancos wanted fans in white to match the club’s national colors.

Pérez’s main demand was that the fans support their club at all times, stand for the full 90 minutes and, most importantly, avoid any racist or homophobic language. “Grada Fans RMCF wants to welcome all Madridistas who believe in supporting without violence, politics and intolerance. Grada is open to people of all ages with one feeling: MADRIDISMO,” reads the welcome on Grada Fans RMCF.

On their social media, Ultras Sur regularly entice fans to come to Marceliano Street opposite the Bernabéu, usually two hours into the match. This is where the so-called “previa” takes place, something like the previous match. At the same time, another thing must be admitted, and that is that Ultras Sur no longer cause such problems. They do not damage the club with their excesses at away games, and they avoid racist or other offensive shouts when cheering in Marceliano Street.

The core of the cauldron has already been cleansed a little, but as long as Florentino Pérez is president of Real Madrid, Ultras Sur cannot be expected to return to the Santiago Bernabéu.

Source: Golazo
