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The talented Mensik continues to climb the ladder. He broke Berdych’s record

Jakub Menšík is rightly considered a rising star of Czech tennis. Last year, he made his mark at the Australian Open junior tournament, where he reached the final with American Kuzuhara. Now he is moving steadily up the ATP rankings.



Jakub Menšík is rightly considered a rising star of Czech tennis. Last year, he made his mark at the Australian Open junior tournament, where he reached the final with American Kuzuhara. Now he is moving steadily up the ATP rankings.

Many of you will have seen snippets of that match, when Mensik finished the match in convulsions after a thrilling match, eventually losing the match and leaving the match in a wheelchair due to significant thigh muscle spasms.

However, despite the loss, Mensik has become more widely known to fans thanks to the comments of Novak Djokovic, who let it be known that we will definitely be hearing from this guy again. He even invited him to his academy afterwards.

However, Mensik didn’t wait long for more success. In his first season among men he managed to win 5 titles in Futures tournaments.

Last week he reached another significant milestone in his career. At just 17 years and 8 months old, he managed to win his first senior-level tournament in Prague, the second most prestigious on the ATP Challenger Tour, which is subsidized with $75,000.

With this triumph he even managed to surpass his famous compatriot – Tomas Berdych, who won the tournament of this category only 2 months later.

Thanks to this title, he managed to work his way up to the 243rd place in the ATP ranking and managed to jump almost 100 places compared to the last edition, which makes him the best tennis player under 18 in terms of ranking at the moment.

For the 17-year-old native of Prostejov, it still might not be the end all be all. After the tournament, he went to a tournament in the Tunisian capital, where he further confirmed his form and gained confidence. He managed to beat the Romanian number one Nicholas Lonel, who is also considered a talent at the age of 20, after more than 3 hours of competition.

This victory guaranteed him another promotion. He is currently on his 7th match winning streak. In the quarter-finals of the Tunisian tournament, he will face top seed Borna Goja of Croatia on Friday. A triumph in this tournament would give Mensik his first breakthrough into the top 200, which would be an impressive feat at 17 years old.

I am sure we will hear more about this Prostejov boy and I am curious to see where this Czech comet will stop in the coming months and years.

Source: Tenisportal, ATP
