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The Rangers midfielder was racially abused by fans on the stream. The club took immediate action with the police

Rangers midfielder Nnamdi Ofoborh was racially abused while streaming games on the Twitch platform. The 22-year-old footballer shared it on his Instagram and the club immediately took it up with the police.



Rangers midfielder Nnamdi Ofoborh was racially abused while streaming games on the Twitch platform. The 22-year-old footballer shared it on his Instagram and the club immediately took it up with the police.

Ofoborh wanted to bond with fans and streamed him playing Fifa on Twitch. However, a few followers started racially abusing him in the comments, the footballer shared these comments on his Instagram.

He also informed the club, which took immediate action. “We are aware of these disgraceful comments and have reported them to Police Scotland,” a Rangers spokesman said.

The Show Racism the Red Card movement added: “The thoughts of everyone at ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ are with Nnamdi and we are writing to him and his club to offer our support.”

“Platforms can and must do more to protect all users. Until then, online gaming cannot be considered a safe space for people of colour,” the Show Racism the Red card movement added.

the 22-year-old footballer joined Rangers in the summer from Bournemouth but has not played a minute yet. He is still undergoing medical tests because of heart problems and the coach said it was uncertain when he would return.

Source: Sky Sports, Twitter
