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The Plavsic case Milan style, Calhanoglu to join Inter Milan

The future of the Turkish midfielder is settled. The player did not agree a contract extension with AC Milan and it was obvious that he will leave the club soon. As a free agent, he will strengthen the city rival – Inter Milan.



The future of the Turkish midfielder is settled. The player did not agree a contract extension with AC Milan and it was obvious that he will leave the club soon. As a free agent, he will strengthen the city rival – Inter Milan. The star winger has already agreed with the defending champions on the terms of his contract and will sign in the coming days.

The Turkish playmaker has had a successful season. He scored 4 goals and 10 assists in the league and was one of the driving forces of the team. In the end, AC Milan finished in a great 2nd place in the league and will play the Champions League again after a long time.

In order to repeat this successful season, it was necessary for the club to keep Calhanoglu, but this would not happen in the end. Last season’s champion offered him a new contract and gave him an ultimatum until June 30. However, the Turk decided to reject the offer and change his location.

He arranged the lucrative new deal during the ongoing EURA. From the new season onwards he will join Inter Milan. He has already agreed on the terms of his contract with the Italian champion, which will be valid until 2024.

He should undergo a medical on Tuesday and then nothing will prevent the official confirmation of this interesting transfer.

A similar transfer between the arch-rivals took place in the Czech meadows and groves. A parallel with the Plavsic case is directly suggested here.

Source: Twitter
