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The Manchester City star was robbed at the house where she was staying with her family. When you resist, this is what happens, she showed her wounded face

João Cancelo had to deal with a lot of unpleasant worries the day before the end of the year. One of Manchester City’s best players this season was mugged and attacked in his own home, where he was with his family at the time.



João Cancelo had to deal with a lot of unpleasant worries the day before the end of the year. One of Manchester City’s best players this season was mugged and attacked in his own home, where he was with his family at the time.

With fame comes money and with money comes envious people who want to steal it from you. It’s a long-running cycle that footballers have to reckon with.

Lately in England, players have to reckon with thieves quite often. Recently you may have seen Arsenal defender Gabriel fending off thieves from his garage. Again in London, a similar thing happened when Özil and Kolasinac were attacked by thieves on a motorbike, but the Bosnian back fought them off with his bravery.

João Cancelo was not so lucky. Thieves broke into his home in Manchester, where he was with his family, and stole all his jewellery. Worse, they tried to hurt Cancelo and his family.

“Unfortunately I was attacked today by four cowards who injured me and tried to hurt my family. When you show resistance, this is what happens. They stole all my jewelry and left my face in this condition,” Cancelo wrote, sharing a photo of his injured face.

“I don’t know why people have such anger inside them. The most important thing for me is my family and luckily everyone is fine. After all the obstacles in my life, this is just one of the next ones I will overcome. Tough and strong, as always,” the 27-year-old Portuguese informed his fans on his Instagram.

Source:: Instagram | João Cancelo, Twitter
